Winter opening hours (1. X - 30.IV):

09:00 - 17:00 (Last entry - 16:30)

Days off - Monday


Summer opening hours (1.VI - 30. IX):

09:00 - 19:00 (Last entry - 18:30)

No days off


Ticket price: adults - BGN 4
Students from 6 to 18 years - BGN 2
Children from 3 to 6 years -1 BGN

Organized walk-throughs with a Guide in Bulgarian or English:
walk-through in Bulgarian - BGN 12
walk-through in a foreign language - BGN 24

All measures regarding orders of the Minister of Health, which allows visits to indoor museums, galleries and libraries indoors and outdoors, subject to the requirement of social distance and anti-epidemic measures, and in accordance with Order № RD 04-43 / 29.05.2020 of the Manager of IFR Varna  are in force.

TIMMOD Promoting Technology Innovation in environmental monitoring and modelling for assessment of fish stock and non-fish resources 2020-2022 
WHITECLAM Research of sand (white) clams and new management proposals, Maritime and Fisheries Program, 2019-2021 
ECRAMON ECRAMON – Increasing the research and management capacity of marine non-fish resources in the Black Sea 2016-2017
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20210625 110023

Final Conference TIMMOD Project 

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20200812 193440

International Conference WHITECLAM 2021

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good practices

Good practices in Black Sea

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Coming up

Development of the Regional DataBase for the Mediterranean & Black Seas (Med&BS RDB) meeting, 26 October, 2021

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Forty-fourth session of the GFCM 2-6 November, 2021

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