IRR - Varna has the following specific equipment for conducting:
- Hydrological research: Instrument for measuring current parameters - direction and speed RDCP 600 - "DOPPLER FLOW MEASURER FOR BOTTOM MOUNTING" version Standard - has a high-tech system for processing digital signals with low energy consumption, high - tech 32 - bit built - in central system for processing and embedded Windows operating system running in real time. SEAGUARD RCM - DEVICE FOR MEASURING THE FLOW PARAMETERS - DIRECTION AND SPEED - SEAGUARD® is a self-recording device; the recorded data is stored on a Secure Digital card (SD card) for further processing and analysis.
- Studies of water hydrochemistry: determination of the content of nutrients in sea water, specific equipment - CTD "Sea & Sun technology" for in situ determination of: salinity, temperature, water density, pH, oxygen and saturation; Spectrophotometer HITACHI Model U-2001 UV / Vis, analytical scales Precisa XT 220A, etc.
- Phytoplankton studies: CTD “Sea & Sun technology” for in situ determination of chlorophyll-a concentration. Bathometers - Niskin bottles 1l, 5 l volume), Nikon Eclipse E400 microscope, Olympus 4.1 mpx digital camera;
- Studies of mesozoo- and macrozooplankton: Microscope Olympus BO61 (trinoculare), Microscope Reichert, 1959, underwater video camera “Panasonic”, 2003, Echosounder Simrad EQ 33 -2500EUR, Plankton networks: Juday net (36 cm, 150μm), plankton 36 cm, 150μm), Bongo net (2X 60cm, 300 & 500μm);
- Studies of marine zoobenthos: - Grab "Van-Veen" (opening 0.1 m2), sieves, analytical balance SCALTEK SBC31 and microscopes Leica ICC50 - with built-in camera, Leica EZ4 - stereoscope with additional camera TUCSEN, stereoscope Nikon 102;
- Ichthyoplankton studies: Microscope Carl Zeiss Yena (monocular), Microscope Carl Zeiss Yena (stereomicroscope), technical scales, sampling network: Bongo net (2X 60cm, 300 & 500μm);
- Genetic research - DNA sequencing and PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) - technique for obtaining copies of a specific DNA region in vitro, PCR - Techne Progene DNA Thermal Cycler, specific software - BioEdit, DnSPv5, MEGA 7.0;
- Ichthyological researches.